Saturday, September 15, 2012

After a looong day, we arrived in Ljubljana, Slovenia, this morning.  It's an 8 hour time difference from Boise so while you were all snug in your beds, we were in the air.  We arrived here at 2:30 a.m. Boise time, 10:30 a.m. here.  The views of the alps from the air were stunning.  After a two hour nap, here we are.  :) 

When we got to Frankfurt, we had to go through security again for the flight to Ljubljana (which is pronounced loo-blee-ah-nuh), they promptly pulled Stella out of line to go through her bag, Beverly got wanded, and I had a security "guy" dig through my backpack all the way to the very bottom and pull out my hair dryer.  He wanted to know if I had the time to go with him to the side area for him to look at it.  What do you suppose he would have said if I'd said no?  So I said yes, and then I had to put my computer back into my backpack along with all the stuff he'd rifled through.  While I was jamming my computer back into the bag, he handed me the hair dryer and said "go ahead and put this back in and go on."  Apparently, someone else had something more important for him to dig through. 

The people watching in airports has been great.  There was a woman on our last flight dressed in leathers carrying a motorcycle helmet.  I'd never seen that before.  Stella and I wondered if she'd checked her motorcycle. 

We were such zombies that when we got to our hotel and found out that our rooms weren't quite ready, we just sat in the lobby until they were.  Nothing like 3 women sitting staring at the desk clerk to get things moving.  We had our room in less than an hour.  My sister, Beverly, Stella and I are all in the same room at least for tonight. 

Tomorrow we will meet up with the rest of the tour group for dinner, and the tour will officially start.  Later today, we're going to venture out and see if we can find a place to eat tonight. 

It's sunny here, and fairly warm.  Oh, I forgot, when we got to Frankfurt and had to find our flight here, we got to the boarding pass checkpoint and it was closed!  In less than 5 minutes, there was a very large crowd behind us.  The airport employees were milling around saying that they didn't know when it would open.  Something was going on with the police at the security checkpoint apparently.  We stood there for probably 20 minutes before they finally opened it up.  We hurried right through and that's when the fun at the security checkpoint started.  I'm still in a state of amazement over the hair dryer thing.  Beverly was picked at random, I think, for the wand thing.  Stella and I just looked like we had some contraband in our luggage, I guess.

More later, I'm having brain fade from today.  :) 

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