Saturday, October 6, 2012

I can see where I've left a few things out.  Like when we were at Korcula, we had a happy hour boat cruise on the bay in the evening.  When we got on the boat, the captain wanted to give us a welcome drink so he brought out a plastic large water bottle filled with homemade brandy.  Clear homemade brandy.  He had little plastic shot glasses and poured some for each of us.  One sip and I thought my mouth and throat would never get over the burn.  Oh man.  It was like drinking straight Everclear or something.  When he wasn't looking, I poured the rest of mine out over the side of the boat.  By the time he had poured out 28 samples, the bottle was empty. 

About 5-10 minutes later, he pulled over to a dock and someone brought him ANOTHER bottle.  Needless to say, when we got off the boat the second bottle only had about an inch of it gone and I think it was our guide who drank it. 

Guess who finally figured out how to upload pictures.  :)  This is the main square in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

I think I need to figure out how to do this better.  Why I have a picture of the window in the restroom at the castle on Lake Bled, I don't know.  The others are of the boatman who rowed us out to the island there, and what the boat that we rode in looked like.  And one of them is showing the people in the building directly across from our hotel room in Ljubljana.  They spent a lot of time hanging out their window watching what was going on in the street below them.

More later.  Oh, we have heard from several people that they tried to comment on this blog and couldn't do it.  It was our understanding that comments could be made.  I'll look into it and see what the procedure is to do it.

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