Monday, April 7, 2014

 There are a few things I forgot to tell you about our hotel.  It is called the Daddy Long Legs, has about 16 rooms, all with a different theme.  The reception desk is also a bar where you can order a mixed drink or wine.  Down the hall from the reception desk is a restroom that has one way glass.  You can sit on the throne and watch everything that happens in the hallway but no one can see you.  And the glass, from the inside, has painted outlines of nude figures. 

Our room is the "Far From Home" room with a mural showing a desert scene, complete with a barbed wire fence.  If there were a couple of more buttes between Boise and Mountain Home, it would look just like that.  And the mural is also on the sliding door to the bathroom, but if you turn on the bathroom light, the door becomes clear glass.  The room next to ours is called the "Fresh Room" and is completely done in Mentos.  Yes, Mentos like the candy.  The tables are glass with packages of mentos inset, there is a wall decoration made entirely out of mentos.  All the mirrors are mentos, mentos over the bed, and the crowning glory is the window shade that is Mona Lisa holding mentos. 

Beverly and Gretchen's room, I can't remember the name of it, has maps of Africa in various sizes on all the walls and ceiling and everywhere that Cape Town is on the map, it has a 3 inch round "pillow" for lack of a better word that is hot pink and has lace around it.  One of the other rooms has all black walls with large white flowers.  We haven't seen that one yet.  Another has all the walls covered with photos of sunrises and sunsets. 

Tonight, we had a group dinner at "Mama Africa's" restaurant where we had large platter size plates, one for each of us, that had crocodile, springbok, ostrich, kudu, and a kudu/springbok sausage, with hominy and a potatolike side dish.  I tried it all, well, except the sausage, not a sausage person, and the springbok was the best.  The ostrich wasn't bad and the crocodile was okay, but nothing to write home about.

Tomorrow we leave for a day trip to Cape Point at 8 am, and won't get back until dinner, which is on our own. 



  1. How exciting! Love reading about your adventures!

  2. How fitting you gals got the western room! How was the kudu? The are so pretty, do they taste pretty?
