Monday, January 19, 2015

We met our fellow tourists this afternoon.  Most of them we knew from past trips.  A varied group from all over the US this time.  A couple from Kirkland WA, a couple from Portland OR, a couple from a small town in Arkansas, a mother and son from the Washington DC area, a woman from Jacksonville FL.

After the meeting we went to see the "Hanoi Hilton" prison.  Very sobering but it was a lot of propaganda too.  Then it was off to see a temple.  I'm already wondering how many pictures of altars with brass kings is too many.  Buddha was there, too.  I wasn't able to convince Stella to have her picture taken with the giant crane standing on the back of a turtle.  Might have been a heron.

I thought Europe had the corner on the scooter market but I think Vietnam has more.  Most of the riders wear helmets and a lot of them wear surgical masks.  These aren't your run of the mill  masks either.  They have patterned fabrics and some look quilted.   If I could figure out how to take pictures of them, I would.  Might have to try to get some pictures from the bus tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we have a 9 mile bicycle ride that our local guide, Bon, kept emphasizing was not a race and that it will be flat terrain.  Stella is not looking forward to it but I think it will be fun.  We'll have pictures of us on the bikes.  Can't miss that opportunity!😀

We haven't been to the bank yet to get local currency but we've been instructed to ask for smaller bills.  Otherwise, we could end up with 1,000,000 bills and apparently a lot of the shops don't like to make change.  1,000,000 is like $200 US.  The inflation rate has been as high as 60 percent here the last couple of years.

Off to dinner.  More tomorrow.  This is January 19th, by the way.  I forgot to put the date in.  Nothing like jet lag.  😊

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