Monday, June 20, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016.

Today's plan is to rent sumo wrestling suits and have a match this evening.  Kacy has built a large outdoor movie screen and has all the equipment so that's on the agenda, too.

We've watched the birds that come to the feeders every day.  I had never seen cardinals or blue jays until this trip.  I love seeing them.  The colors are great.  It's also tick and chigger season here so we have not gone out walking very much.  We both have had some small bites even with a liberal coating of insect repellent.  But there are fireflies here too!  That's been fun.  I've only seen them once before.

I made a dump cake this afternoon for dessert.  Five ingredients, you can't beat that.  Crushed pineapple, cherry pie filling, a yellow cake mix, chopped walnuts and butter.  Easy easy.

After dinner, it was time for sumo.  Stella and I decided that we needed to put the suits on first, have a quick picture taken, and then the others could put them on and actually wrestle.  Now these are not inflatable.  They are made out of heavy plastic and stuffed with batting or something.  There are pants and a jacket.  The jacket has a Belt that comes up between your legs and velcros on to look like the cloths the real sumo guys wear.  I managed to get the pants on by myself but the jacket velcros closed down the back so you definitely have to have help getting that on.  After getting suited up, we could barely shuffle to the mat.  I had to take itsy bitsy steps because the pants ate padded too.  We get to the mat and pose for pictures.  I could hardly reach Stella over my big padded stomach but we thought we were doing okay even though we forgot to bow before we tried to at least look like we were grabbing each other.  It was all going just fine until Tara deliberately bumped her mother and we both went down like dominos.  We had helmets on, too, I forgot that.  Anyway, it took two people to roll me over so I could get out of the suit.  We were so padded that it didn't hurt but it was unexpected.  All this in 95 degree heat with high humidity.  Those suits were hot but the others put them on and really did throw each other around.

Stella and I went to WalMart and brought prizes so everyone got something after it was over.  Then it was time for the movie.  With the evenings staying light so late, it was 10 pm before it started.  It was "The Revenant" with Leonardo DeCaprio.  It's more than two hours long so it was a late evening, but I thought the movie was good.  I can see why he won the Best Actor Oscar.

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