Monday, June 20, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Today's agenda was a tour of Tulsa.  Stella's daughter, Tara, arrived from Houston this morning so we set off after noon.  The first stop was at the Golden Driller statue.  It has a framework of an oil rig and a huge statue of a man, the driller, beside it.  He's painted gold and it looks to be made of concrete.  The plaque says it's the fourth largest statue in the United States.

Then it was off to see the Blue Whale in Catoosa, a suburb of Tulsa.  This is listed on the website.  It's very old.  There's a small pond where it resides.  It's a very large structure of a whale where you walk through his mouth to get to his stomach which is open to the sky and has rickety uneven boards for flooring.  That's followed by a large tail that had an iron ladder where you could climb up on top.  I thought it looked pretty sturdy but I didn't go up it.  The head is so large that you can climb up another iron ladder to a floor there and stick your head out his eyes.  Kacy and Tara did that.  I think at one time you could jump off and swim in the pond but it doesn't look safe enough for that now.  We had our picture taken on it but to get the entire whale in, we look like stick figures we're so far away.  It looked like it was made out of stucco and the paint is bright blue.  It's free and there was a gift shop that was maybe 8x10 feet in size.

We also stopped to see the iron buffalo statue, a mountain goat bronze statue, and bear statues that are along a green belt in Tulsa.  Last, but not least, we drove by the praying hands statue in front of Oral Roberts University.  Huge statue, I didn't think it would be so large.

Oh, and we stopped at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, too.  They had pins so I added to my stash.

We ate at a good Mexican restaurant tonight, Pablo's in Sapulpa.

Last night, after dinner, it was time for Game of Thrones, the tv show they are all glued to.  Stella and I had seen part of the same episode in Memphis when we used the microwave in the lobby there.  The desk clerk tried to explain it to us but we didn't get it.  They tried to explain it again last night but there are so many characters and it was the 61st episode that we were lost.  I think it's something you need to have watched from the beginning.

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