Monday, June 20, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Today is Stella's nephew's, Kacy Greene, birthday.  He would like a carrot cake for dessert tonight.  Neither of us could remember our recipe so I looked it up online.  After much discussion, we found one that we liked so it was off to the store for the ingredients.

We also went to her niece's store.  Lisa makes soaps, lotions and candles and has a store downtown.  It's kind of a florist shop, antique store and gift shop all in one.  Others have booths here where they display their goods.  It was fun looking at all the stuff and the creative ways people pit things together.

We went back to the house and I read the recipe while Stella mixed the cake together.  We adlibbed a little but it turned out great.  She was on her own for the cream cheese frosting though.

Tonight, the entire family came over for dinner.  I think there were about 15 people there.  They made Indian tacos.  Stella's late brother-in-law was Native American so the tacos are on Indian fry bread instead of tortillas.  You just pile whatever you want on the bread and go from there.  I had never had fry bread before but I liked it.

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