Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016

Today, we said goodbye to Judy and continued on to Virginia Beach, Virginia.  This has been the day with the most rain on the trip so far.  We hadn't gone too far on State Highway 17 when there was such a gully washer that we pulled over and stopped in a parking lot.  Stella was driving and the windshield wipers weren't even remotely carrying the water.  After 10 minutes or so, we started up the road again.  We had intermittent rain showers and it was raining heavy when we got here.

That highway is a good road that takes you through small towns and showed us "the real south", as Becky told us.  We came past a lot of cornfields and what we decided was tobacco.  There were a lot of fields that had plants in full bloom that we could not identify.  We are staying with Becky, a friend who used to live in Idaho, but moved back to her hometown when she retired.  The three of us spent a lot of time looking up plants to find out what these were but never came to a consensus.  In hindsight, I should have taken a picture.

It was late afternoon before we arrived, and rainy, but after dinner, Becky took us on a drive around the area showing us where she grew up and the state park that is virtually right in town, and where the entrance to the military base is so we can go see the lighthouses.  The sentry at the gate wouldn't let us in because it's closed to tourists after 4:30 pm.

Military jets fly over a couple of times a day, going from aircraft carriers to the base.  And with the mouth of Cheseapeake Bay (probably misspelled that) just down the road, there are a number of container ships out on the ocean.  I would get absolutely nothing done if I lived where I could watch all this.

After a dinner of crab cakes and the drive, we watched Hart of Dixie on Netflix.  I don't do Netflix so all these are new to me.  We hope for good weather the next few days because we are planning on going out on Cheseapeake Bay Wednesday and doing a little fishing.

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