Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Today was a great day.  Our hosts, Phil and Carol, took us to a National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island.  Here's what we saw -

A reddish egret (actually 4 of them)
3 Ospreys
1 little blue heron
1sheeps head fish
Horseshoe Crabs
Gar fish
1 yellow-crested night heron
1 juvenile ibis
1mullet fish
Tree crabs
Fiddler crabs
1snook fish
A school of stingrays.

And I saw my first blue jay today!

After we left the NWR, we had lunch at Doc Ford's, the restaurant owned by Randy Wayne White, the author whose main character is called Doc Ford.  Great food.  Then we went to a local beach and looked for shells and waded in the warm water of the Gulf.  That's where we saw the snook and the school of stingrays.  The stingrays were in a large group about 15-20 feet from the beach.  I was surprised at how close people could get to them to take pictures, maybe 5 feet away.

Then we stopped and had ice cream on the way back to the house.  Chicken Alfredo for dinner with asparagus, yum.

Ended the evening by watching part 1 of the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie.

AND!  On Thursday, we are going fishing off shore in the gulf!😄

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