Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday. May 16, 2016

Yesterday was a 577 mile day.  Today, we drove from Sonora, Texas, to Houston, Texas, a distance of 370 miles.

Stella's sister, Marge, called her, and my sister, Beverly, called me because the national news had a "grim" forecast for bad weather in Houston.  We did have some rain on the way here but just enough to have to use your wipers, and it was slightly raining when we arrived.  It was nice of them to call, though, because we haven't turned a tv on since we left Boise.  There could have been a tornado behind us and we would have never known it.  The humidity is rising, though.

This part of Texas is very green compared to what we saw the past few days.  More and bigger trees.  Yesterday, we couldn't decide if what we were seeing was mesquite, or pinyon trees, or something else.  It was rolling hills all the way here, but flattened out as we approached the city.  We drove right through the heart of San Antonio and were pleasantly surprised that the traffic wasn't too bad.

I finally saw an armadillo!  A dead one on the side of the highway, but it was an armadillo!  We decided that Texas is quite the skunk capital because we saw, and smelled, a lot of them as roadkill on this stretch of the trip.  Actually, we saw a lot of dead animals today, a deer, two coyotes, many skunks, and a number of animals that we couldn't identify.  I thought one was a badger, and we debated whether the others were possums.  They were quite furry and dark colored.

We are at Stella's daughters place for tonight and tomorrow night.  Her boyfriend is working and she will be working so we will be on our own to see the sights.  Good thing the car has a GPS.  After a good meal, we are in for the night.

Looks like the sky is clearing!  Good news.😊

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